Thursday, 30 June 2016

Follow Russell Westbrook, NBA TV and COMMON on Twitter!

Here are some people we think you might like to follow:

Kim Kardashian West tweeted: So proud of my husband! @adidas + @kanyewest

Ellen DeGeneres  @TheEllenShow
Strength! No weakness! Get ready for Demarjay's new video.
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Ira Winderman @IraHeatBeat
Split allegiances: Do Dwyane Wade's new shoes have a story to tell?
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David Aldridge  @daldridgetnt
The full @KDTrey5 meeting sked: OKC Thursday, GSW/Clippers Friday, Spurs/Celtics Saturday, Miami on Sunday, per source. That's the list.
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Peter Sciretta  @slashfilm
Okay, let's do this... I guess.
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Ben Golliver  @BenGolliver
This chart has 18 FA centers. X-axis is FG% inside 3 feet. Y-axis is Defensive FG% at the rim. Look at Joakim Noah
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